Funding opportunities

NephCure Pilot Grant

NephCure announces a research grant program to support investigator-initiated studies that employ CureGN and or NEPTUNE resources to advance clinical and translational research in glomerular disease. The program is open to all scientists, including those within and outside of the CureGN or NEPTUNE Consortia. Proposed projects can include, but are not limited to, those that can be used to generate feasibility data to support advancement of promising future studies and projects to develop clinical assays, or protocols, or early phase clinical trials. NephCure will provide funding of up to $250,000 direct cost per project ($125,000 per year per project over a two-year time period) after a competitive process to select the most meritorious projects.  

Letters of intent are due on January 15, 2025.

View RFA


Deadline: January 15, 2025

Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program

• Supports a small number of exceptional clinical researchers to promote their development as early-stage independent investigators
• Provides 5-7 years of support as an independent principal investigator in the NIH Intramural Research Program
• Followed by up to 3 years of funding at an extramural research institution

For more information:

Deadline: August 25, 2023

Stadtman Investigator Tenure Track Positions

• In 15th year with over 100 positions filled
• Up to ten positions per year
• Tenure-track positions within the NIH Intramural Research Program
• Broad range of scientific disciplines

For more information:

Deadline: September 30, 2023

RFA-TR-23-016: Preclinical Proof of Concept Studies for Rare Diseases (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This notice of funding opportunity provides funding to conduct efficacy studies in an established rare disease preclinical model to demonstrate that a proposed therapeutic agent warrants further development. In addition to preclinical efficacy, accompanying pharmacodynamic andpharmacokinetic studies would be supported. Therapeutic agents include small molecules, biologics or biotechnology-derived products. The goal of this opportunity is to spur therapeutic development for rare diseases by advancing projects to the point where they would attract subsequent investment supporting full Investigational New Drug application development or progression toclinical trials in the case of repurposing or repositioning. 

The NIH supports research on a broad range of diseases that are defined as rare; that is, diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 individualsin the United States. While individually, each rare disease affects a limited number of individuals, when viewed collectively, rare diseases represent a significant unmet medical need. Approximately 30 million people in the United States are living with one of the estimated 10,000 rare diseases; many of which affect children and are serious or life-threatening. Despite advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of many rare diseases, and large investments by pharmaceutical and biotech industries, effective treatments are available for fewer than 5% of diseases.

This opportunity solicits applications that propose to conduct efficacy studies in an established rare disease preclinical model to demonstrate proof of concept that a proposed therapeutic agent warrants further development. In addition to preclinical efficacy, accompanying pharmacodynamic(PD) and pharmacokinetic (PK) studies would be supported.

For more information:

Deadline: October 2, 2023